During her life, Mary MacKillop made it her mission to do God’s work by serving the poor in many ways, but in particular, providing education for underprivileged children.
Having established the first religious order in Australia, the Sisters of St Joseph, Mary travelled great distances across rural areas to visit her sisters and encourage them in their own faith/life journeys; to support them with her love, care and example of serving the poor. Mary’s journey through life showed her complete faith and trust that God would provide her with all that she needed to do God’s work.
She faced fierce opposition throughout her life, resulting in her being excommunicated. However, she remained resolute in her convictions and was eventually reinstated, showing forgiveness to those who had brought about her downfall.
With the challenges we all face in the world today, perhaps we can try to channel some of the spirit of Mary Mackillop; her faith, capacity for forgiveness, generosity in serving others.