As you would be aware, the Premier announced a proposed Victorian Roadmap recently outlining some ‘aspirational’ markers that will enable a slow and staggered re-opening. It was difficult news to note the length of time before any real change will be implemented, and the acknowledgement that we will not be seeing a marked decrease in the Delta variant for some time. Whilst we are pleased to see that Religious Worship has been included in the planning - and has certain allowances around ‘fully vaccinated’ attendees and ‘unknown vaccinated’ attendees, details around the celebrating and management of such worship remains very unclear. We know that you will have many questions, and we ask for your patience over the next week or so as we seek to understand the implications of the individual steps and allowances. The proposed Roadmaps for Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria for your information. Please note there are inconsistencies in what is listed, and we will need to clarify items.